Parklea Primary School Overall Intent, Implementation & Impact



At Parklea Primary School we believe that a quality curriculum should develop children’s love of learning. Our curriculum is broad, balanced and inclusive and follows a clear pathway of progression as children advance through the primary phase. It encompasses the formal requirements of the National Curriculum and the richest, most varied cultural capital opportunities that we can provide, encouraging the exploration of new skills and experiences that help to nurture resilience, curiosity and creativity. 

The aims of our school curriculum are:

  • to provide the building blocks of learning so children, develop, grow and improve as confident social beings
  • to foster the children’s understanding of ‘belonging to and being a member of’ a diverse set of groups and how they connect to them through the past, present and look to the future; encouraging curiosity and a passion to learn
  • to develop confidence and promote positive attitudes to learning, so that all children enjoy coming to school and embrace new challenges and possibilities
  • to enable children to keep pushing their own boundaries and excel
  • to enable children to become independent thinkers and questioners, acquiring a solid basis for lifelong learning
  • to promote values education so children take responsibility for themselves and their actions, are respectful and develop as critical thinkers
  • to fulfil all the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
  • appropriately challenge the boundaries of our learners so their learning journey is continual and improving
  • to provide the richest language-based curriculum so children can articulate their views confidently


Teachers are appointed to support the development of a curriculum they are responsible for. There is an expectation that they seek and receive professional development opportunities, both internal and external courses, so they are continuously updated with information on best practice. Leaders are expected to update the school Senior Leadership Team (SLT) about best practice, new initiatives / resources, that can have a enabling impact on moving standards towards national or above.
We continually review and assess the effectiveness of the activities and the progress children make each year though our curriculum. We have reviewed our 2021 / 22 curriculum following our internal review of its impact on standards and our requested audit by the Local Authority English Advisor (April 22). We felt that our curriculum lacked the cohesion and robustness to achieve the necessary upward impact on standards required. The audit confirmed our view and concern. We have since revisited our curriculum and aligned our programmes of study so there is clear progression, in each subject, across the school. There is clear guidance on how to access the learning task for pupils at different starting points of learning
We will begin to implement the new aspects of the curriculum in a phased approach through whole school raining. This will also be supported and reinforced by phase leaders during phase lead meetings. Learning walks will also enable us to measure implementation.

There is a strong emphasis on English which aids children’s learning through the wider curriculum. Teaching plans are checked to ensure all children are appropriately challenged and feedback is systematic in developing those critical building blocks. Teachers are beginning to use short and long-term assessment as well as gap analysis to ensure misconceptions are challenged swiftly.
Resources are effective and used as stimuli to support short- or long-term goals especially as it helps children to recall and use their previous learning to solve problems or consolidate learning intentions.


The curriculum will enable standards to rise rapidly and end of Key Stage outcomes be in line with national.


For more information about our school curriculum, please contact our address.